Trestle Board - September 2021

My Brothers,

Greetings my Brothers!! This year is flying by fast. It’s already Labor Day weekend and we hope all of us get to enjoy a relaxing weekend of grilling hotdogs and hamburgers and spending time with our families and friends. Please exercise caution, however. This Covid mess that’s going around is hitting us pretty hard right now. My wife and I just recently had the virus as well. Luckily, we were both vaccinated and only suffered mild cases. We are all better now. Another one of our officer’s wife however is having a much rougher time getting over her Covid experience. Please keep her in your prayers.

We currently have 4 Fellow Craft’s learning their catechisms and should be able to stand proficient before the month is out. We are planning to team up with Riverside Lodge again and raise these Brothers to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason sometime in early October. We are planning to have practices for the degree on Tuesday nights probably starting around September 14th. Practices and the Degree will be held at Riverside Lodge. We will announce the actual date in the October Trestle Board message.

The Morocco Shrine is hosting a Day of Remembrance for the 20th Anniversary of the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks and will be honoring the victims and First Responders who gave their lives trying to rescue the victims of the attacks. The event is being held on Saturday September 11th starting at 10:00 AM. BBQ and Hotdogs will be served for lunch and all the Shriner Parade Units will be parading around the Temple. There will be lots of entertainment and lots of fun for the kids so please bring your family if you can.

In closing as always……………..“Be Excellent to each other!”



Trestle Board - October 2021


Trestle Board - August 2021