Trestle Board - August 2021

My Brothers,

We certainly hope all our Masonic Brothers of Ionic Lodge and your families had a safe and fun July. Our Lodge was dark for the month, but we still managed to conduct some business by having the Widow’s Sons come and advance our EA’s another step in Masonry by passing them to Fellow Crafts on July 15th. We had a total of 6 EA’s passed to FC (4 from Ionic and 2 from Riverside). We had a great evening of fellowship with approximately 45 Masons in attendance. After these newly passed FC’s complete their catechisms we will be teaming up with Riverside Lodge once again and scheduling their Master Mason Degree probably in October.

Now that August is here, so is the return of Football and hopefully crowded stadiums. I for one am anxious for the season to begin. But I do want to ask you all to remain cautious and keep yourselves protected from this nagging COVID Virus that is still lingering around. I have had several friends and acquaintances contract this new strain of the virus in the last month or two and a couple has died. Masks, vaccines, continued seclusion or whatever your preferred method of protection may be, we apparently are not out of the woods yet, so if you are in one of the high-risk categories, please continue to protect yourself.

Regardless of where it came from or how it is being politicized, the fact of the matter is people are dying from it. Let us concentrate on protecting ourselves and our loved ones first and get this thing behind us. Then we can worry about who is to blame. We all have our opinions concerning this matter, but our opinions will not save lives. Only our actions can do that. So, let’s look out for each other and as always, “Be Excellent to each other!”


Trestle Board - September 2021


Trestle Board - July 2021