Trestle Board - November 2021

My Brothers,

Greetings my Brothers! November is here and Thanksgiving is upon us all the sudden like. This year has flown by fast it seems. Looking back, we’ve had a pretty good year so far at our Lodge. We’ve brought in four new Master Masons and they are pretty eager and involved already. We have formed a new committee to develop a website for the Lodge that will put us out there on the internet and help attract new members. Other Lodges are doing this and they are increasing their memberships at a rapid pace. There are still plenty of men out there who are interested in Masonry but don’t know what it’s all about. It’s our job to educate them and make them Masons.

We also replaced two of the three AHU’s at the Lodge last month. The new AHU’s are much more efficient and will do a better job of cooling and heating the Lodge and should also lower our electricity costs, especially during the summer months.

We hope that everyone has a great Thanksgiving Holiday. Please continue to protect yourselves and families from this Covid virus. Also please continue to pray for our Junior Wardens wife, Lady Rebecca, who is in very serious condition right now at the Mayo Clinic.

Hope everyone has a great November and remember as always……“Be Excellent to each other!”


Trestle Board - December 2021


Trestle Board - October 2021