
Ionic Lodge Ionic Lodge

Trestle Board - September 2023

Hope all is well and everyone had a wonderful summer. We were able to wrap up the lodge room renovations and putting a few finishing touches on it and everything will be complete.

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Ionic Lodge Ionic Lodge

Trestle Board - August 2023

As mentioned in previous trestle boards we have done some work in the Lodge Room while we have been dark in July. Things are coming along good even though we found a little more work that needed to be addressed.

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Ionic Lodge Ionic Lodge

Trestle Board - June 2023

Hope all is well with everyone since our last Trestle Board communication. It has been a busy month for most with summer starting

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Ionic Lodge Ionic Lodge

Trestle Board - May 2023

I hope everyone is doing well. We here at Ionic are looking forward to passing some Brothers to the degree of Fellow Craft on May 11th

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Ionic Lodge Ionic Lodge

Trestle Board - April 2023

Spring is upon us and the days are longer and our Brotherhood is getting larger. We would like to welcome two newest members. They were both initiated as Entered Apprentices on March 9th.

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Ionic Lodge Ionic Lodge

Trestle Board - March 2023

We will be finishing up the exterior painting of our building and the reframing of Past Masters pictures to allow for more space to accommodate future Past Masters pictures in our Lodge room. We are also planning a night out with our Brothers and family on March 30th

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Ionic Lodge Ionic Lodge

Trestle Board - February2023

I hope all is well with everyone. It is turning out to be a great beginning to a new year here at Ionic with some new petitions, existing members coming back to see the new things happening around our Lodge and…

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Ionic Lodge Ionic Lodge

Trestle Board - January 2023

I would like to start by thanking Worshipful Master Taylor Basford for the excellent year and the leadership he provided the Lodge and the fraternity in general this past year. The Lodge is definitely in a better position than it was when he took over last year, Thank you Sir.

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Ionic Lodge Ionic Lodge

Trestle Board - December 2022

What a year it has been! I have a couple notes for December and then I want to take a moment to recap a little from this year and give thanks to all my Brothers.

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Ionic Lodge Ionic Lodge

Trestle Board - November 2022

As we enter the Holiday Season, a time for happiness and family, it’s a great time to come and visit your Brethren as well. We only have a few Stated Sessions remaining this year, and if you haven’t made it to one in 2022, it is not too late

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Ionic Lodge Ionic Lodge

Trestle Board - October 2022

My Brothers, we are very proud to announce 6 new Fellowcrafts and one new Entered Apprentice this month. With a Master Mason Degree coming soon.

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Ionic Lodge Ionic Lodge

Trestle Board - September 2022

This year continues to speed by, but we have many more exciting things happening before it is over! Our six Entered Apprentices have passed their catechism and practice has begun for a Fellow Craft Degree.

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