Trestle Board - December 2022

Hello and Happy Holidays my Brothers,

What a year it has been! I have a couple notes for December and then I want to take a moment to recap a little from this year and give thanks to all my Brothers.

First, the rest of the year; We have our final meeting December 15th. As always, I invite all of you to attend, meet our new Brethren, and join us in brotherly love and affection. Additionally, our Installation of Officers is scheduled for Thursday the 29th at 6pm. It is an open installation, so non-Masons are also welcome, wives, friends, anyone you’d like to bring! Afterward we will also be going to dinner at Iguana at Park! Please let myself or our incoming Worshipful Master Scott know if you plan to attend so we can have a headcount for dinner.

Ionic Lodge raised 6 new Master Masons this year, has added a Plural Member and a Transfer of Membership. We also have a pending Transfer of Membership we will be balloting on at our December 15th meeting. In addition we have a current Entered Apprentice, another petition that we voted to accept on December 1st, and a few individuals who have been coming and having dinner with us. All in all, our Ionic family has grown by double digits this year!

To make all this happen, we have held 4 Entered Apprentice agrees, which have been put on by Senior Deacon Travis, who himself was only raised last October and immediately jumped in. We have also hosted a FellowCraft Degree, put on by Treasurer Jon P.M., and a Master Mason Degree, put on by Senior Warden Scott and Secretary Harry P.M. Our Marshal Jeff P.M. has been done a wonderful job of instructing our new Brothers in all their catechisms.

We were treated to truly wonderful meals this year by our Junior Warden David, and his lady Debbie. I cannot thank them both enough for the time they dedicated to keeping us well fed!

All in all, I could not be happier with how 2022 has gone and I owe that all to all of my Brothers, including every one not mentioned here. I am honored to have been entrusted with my position as Worshipful Master this year, I thank you all for the trust and faith placed in me, and the assistance given. It takes a village, and I cannot take credit for this year, we have all played a part.

I wish you all and your loved ones a very Happy Holidays and I hope you are all in good health and happiness. I hope to see all of my Brothers soon.

May The Blessings of Heaven Rest on All,
Worshipful Master


Trestle Board - January 2023


Trestle Board - November 2022