Trestle Board - September 2024

From the East

Greeting Brothers,

This past month our Sacred Altar has been draped, as well as our Charter, in memorial of W:. David Anderson, PM. The hat he wore as Worshipful Master has been displayed in a place of Honor in the East as a symbol of our respect. On an uplifting note, as our Lodge continues to heal, the Brothers have rallied around each other in true Ionic fashion. We have a strong core of Brothers, outstanding officers, and a council of Past Masters who generously gift wise and sage advice. We stand cemented in good or troubled times.

Our summer repairs to the building are nearing their completion. The new roof has been installed along with new gutters. All the rooftop ductwork has been replaced and insulated as well. We'll be doing some painting in the rear of the building and spot checking some areas out front. Special thanks to our Building Committee and Brothers who made this all happen. Our beloved building will always have projects needed, but she's in good shape right now.

Ionic received excellent reviews and feedback during our District Deputy Grand Master's lodge audit and Official Visit. The District Instructor spoke very highly of our ritual work, and encouraged us to enter the State Ritual Competition again next year. The DDGM was very pleased with the overall health of our lodge.

Finally, we are excited to have two upcoming degrees in front of us.

Entered Apprentice Degree – Thursday September 19th

Master Mason Degree - Thursday, October 17th

Please make plans to attend and support our new Brothers. If you haven't been to the Lodge lately, come out and fellowship with us. Ionic's Ritual Work will not disappoint.

Closing Thought:

I just want to humbly say THANK YOU Brothers for making the transition to the East an easy one. Your support and guidance have been incredible!

Take Care of One Another!


Travis White, WM


Trestle Board - August 2024