Trestle Board - June 2024

From the East

Welcome to summer my Brothers.

The month of May was quick to say the least. Grand Lodge has come and gone, and we had a good time. June will be highlighted by a visit from the Northeast Florida Masonic Association on the June 26, 2024. All hands-on deck as we will need to prepare the dining room, and assist the Junior Warden and Stewards in any way possible.

I will miss the second meeting in June and the Senior Warden Travis will sit in the East.

Okeechobee Lodge won the ritual competition for the Entered Apprentice Degree this year. Plans are in the works for another try at the ritual competition next year doing the Master Mason Degree. Details are coming.

Don’t forget the Lodge will be “Dark” in July.

We have a District Deputy Grand Master working visit scheduled for August the 8, 2024, before our stated meeting and his Official Visit will be on August 15, 2024.

Be Safe in your travels this summer.


Trestle Board - July 2024


Trestle Board - May 2024