Trestle Board - March 2022

Greetings from the East;


We have had a very exciting year thus far. We’ve had a fantastic District Deputy Grand Master visit, we’ve had four meetings full of fellowship, and we currently have two petitions going through investigation! I’m very grateful to see our fraternity and our Lodge continue to grow. With that, we have started having practices for the upcoming Entered Apprentice Degree. Please let me know if you are interested in helping initiate these new candidates and even if not, I hope you can join us to welcome them.

One of my goals for this year is to visit other lodges, meet and support our brothers. In February, we visited Temple Lodge for their DDGM visit. It was a lovely evening of friendship and mutual support. We will continue to visit other lodges each month, and I invite everyone to join us in that as well!

As always, I hope to see every brother come join us for something this year, no matter how small. If transportation is an issue, please reach out, we can accommodate anything you need. We are all brothers and we are all here for each other. I wish you all the best for yourself and your family.


Taylor Basford
Worshipful Master


Trestle Board - April 2022


Trestle Board - February 2022