Trestle Board - June 2022

Hello Brothers!

Grand Communication is upon us and Ionic will be well represented by myself, both our Wardens, our Treasurer, and our Secretary. We discussed the legislation to be voted on at our first meeting in May and we will report back on the results at our first June meeting.

So far, we have performed two Entered Apprentice degrees and brought in four candidates, but we are not done yet! We will be having another Entered Apprentice degree (date to be set) where we tentatively have two more candidates joining us. One of those has already been voted on, the other will be voted on at our June 16th meeting.

Also at our June 16th meeting, we will be balloting on the Plural Member Petition of Curtis, which, if accepted, will also be our second plural member to join Ionic this year.

Between the Plural Members, new Brothers, and candidates, that will be eight new members of Ionic Lodge so far this year. It is absolutely incredible to see this kind of growth for Ionic and I could not be happier.

To all of our Brothers; come join us. Come to a meeting, come to a degree, come enjoy the Fellowship of your Brothers. This is a very exciting time for our Lodge and I want every Brother to have the the opportunity to experience it with us. If you need any assistance in getting to or from the Lodge, please reach out and we will make accommodations.

Unfortunately, I must end this message on a somber note. Our Past Grand Master Thomas Turlington, Jr has passed away. Please join me in keeping his family in prayers during this difficult time. His wife has asked to be allowed to grieve in peace and privacy for the time being, so please respect her wishes as well. Alas, my brother.

May Brotherly Love Prevail,

Worshipful Master


Trestle Board - July 2022


Trestle Board - May 2022